10 World’s Most Expensive Apartments

Based on data from Lincoln Property Company from various sources

Odéon Tower

Odéon Tower – Monaco

Age moves forward so that the housing needs increasingly diverse, and Lincoln Property obtaining data on housing needs throughout the world.

Humans can consider their needs with the perspective and other factors.

Here are the most expensive apartments, from the cheapest to the most expensive.

10. 56 Leonard, New York. Height of 250 meters consisting of 60 floors. The price per unit is priced at 47 million dollars.

9. Clermont Residence Super Penthouse, Singapore. At 180 meters, the tallest tower in Clermont is the heart of Singapore. This building has a garden on its roof.

Largest unit is a condominium area of 1,115 square meters with three floors for 47 million dollars.

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Preferred Kisses by the Men

kissing the lover

When you’re alone with your lover, is not it thrilling moment? Kissing the lover is part of intimacy, and all seemed to go smoothly.

How do you imagine the expression of a lover? Say the same thing for the couple who have been married, many couples who not only enjoy a kiss on the lips, but also on the forehead, cheeks, or neck, depending on the atmosphere.

Men love these kinds of typical kiss, as if he thought?

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Inferno, the Latest Dan Brown’s Novel

Inferno - Dan BrownDan Brown is back with his latest novel, he displays a character who describes the city of Manila as a city with severe traffic congestion, choking pollution, massive poverty, and prostitution of children who thrive.

This immediately brought criticism from the Philippine government. Although only a novel, but is able to make the state government disrupted. Why? Therefore, the Brown’s novel calls Manila as “Gates of Hell“.

In fact, the government agency that manages Manila felt the need to write to Dan Brown and his novel publisher.

We are not happy with the inaccurate portrayal of our beloved city,” said Francis Tolentino, Manila official governing body.

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Box Office movie in recent weeks

Iron Man 3Some movie ranks first as profit takers, such as Iron Man 3 who managed to get a good income in North America and earned income up to 175.3 million U.S. dollars.

Several other films are also the extraordinary income, such as Pain and Gain, 42, and Oblivion.

The following list of blockbusters “box office” movie in recent weeks.

1. Iron Man 3 to 175.3 million U.S. dollars
2. Pain and Gain – 7.6 million dollars
3. 42 – 6.2 million U.S. dollars
4. Oblivion – 5.8 million dollars
5. The Croods – 4.2 million dollars
6. Big Wedding – 3.9 million dollars
7. Mud – 2.1 million dollars
8. Oz: The Great and Powerful – 1.8 million dollars
9. Scary Movie 5 – 1.4 million U.S. dollars
10. The Place Beyond the Pines – 1.3 million dollars

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If The Earth Lost The Moon

The MoonAn interesting article on the Discovery website, April 25, 2013 deserves to be considered. The article is to review the consequences if the Moon is completely gone, for some reason such as destroyed.

Thought to review this case arose after seeing a sci-fi movie titled “Oblivion“, with lead actor Tom Cruise. In the film, in 2017, Earth is invaded by aliens called Scavenger. Even then the moon was destroyed. What if it really happened?

Two scenarios are presented. First, if the moon were destroyed, the debris still exist around the Earth and the second, when the moon completely disappeared. If debris is still there on the Moon around the Earth, it could sunlit debris. Could be, the light rays due to debris which reflect the sun light than the full moon.

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Most Hated Celebrities, Who Are They?

Most Hated CelebritiesBeing a celebrity does not seem to be a guarantee of always liked by the fans, apparently there is also less favored celebrities. In fact most of them hated.

Hollywood’s most hated artist in a poll conducted by one of the media, Star Magazine, a benchmark for enthusiasts to know.

For example, actress Gwyneth Paltrow, Hollywood actress was chosen as the most hated celebrities, her husband looks worried, Chris Martin.

Of course there is, the public still remember when Gwyneth made headlines in recent weeks, after saying that she did not allow her children to eat foods containing carbohydrates.

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Austin GP tightened after Boston Bombing

Circuit of the AmericasAfter the bomb in Boston during the Boston Marathon in 2013, Monday, April 15, 2013 its make a variety of other events that will be held in the MotoGP race track more alert. They tightened security at various places.

One of these events will be held is the Austin Grand Prix this weekend, the Circuit of the Americas stepped up security around the motor racing arena.

Various items carefully recorded, in order to minimize the possible risks that may arise, ranging from handbags, wallets, backpacks, must pass the examination. One by one will be checked by security forces.

Citing news Crash.net, April 17, 2013, Vice President of Public & Media Relations Circuit, Julie Loignon said, “We’ve been in touch with local law enforcement following the unfortunate events yesterday in Boston, Massachusetts, and will work with them throughout the upcoming weekend for sure we staged a safe and secure event.

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The Iron Lady Has Gone

Margaret ThatcherFormer British Prime Minister Margaret Hilda Thatcher passed away on Monday, April 8, 2013 of a stroke at the age of 87 years. Margaret Thatcher is the longest-serving prime minister in England, ie 1979 to 1990. Former chemistry researcher is also the only female prime minister in the history of England.

Her personality, firm political attitudes and not easily compromise make her earned the nickname “Iron Lady“.

Here are some important moments during her life:

– Born with the name Margaret Roberts on October 13, 1925.
– For the first time in the election of Parliament in 1950.
– Married to businessman Denis Thatcher in 1951.
– Elected a member of Parliament from the Conservative Party for the Finchley area in 1959.
– Selected to the Minister of Education by PM Ted Heath in 1970.
– Becoming the first female prime minister in 1979.
– Sends troops to take over the Falklands Islands in 1982.
– Wins absolute election 1983.
– Survivors of a bomb attack by the Irish Republican Army in the Hotel Brighton in 1984.
– Winning the 1987 elections for the third time.
– Resigned after facing the challenges of leadership in 1990.

Goodbye Maggie!

(Source CNN, Kompas /Image number10.gov.uk)


By Herman Melville

The Opening Paragraph

Moby Dick book cover

Call me Ishmael. Some years ago – never mind how long precisely – having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen, and regulating the circulation.

Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people’s hats off – then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can.

This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me.


Men’s “Womanizer”

By Ayunda Pininta Kasih

-> From the original title “7 Type of Men’s “Womanizer

womanizerFinding the prince’s dream into hope many women. But what if the prince’s dream in fact kind of guy womanizer? Handsome face and a man’s physical attractiveness womanizer type may melt your heart. But further identify the characters that you do not heartbroken about it.

1. Got a million compliments and sweet promises
Men of this type tend to express their feelings. Although there has been long known, it’s easy for him to show that he’s crazy about you. The trick, he likes to throw the compliments and sweet promises. The he even did not hesitate to promise to marry you or give you a gift. This is the type of man moves to mollify women womanizer.

The goal, make you a lover, but with a specific purpose. Actions tend to fake romance. Just the way to make friends, look macho in front of his friends, or even to obtain sexual gratification.

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