To Gaga

do you know if there is a fear
when you sang the song,
they said there is an aura of disaster there
country who afraid
in women and they say
the object of male

country who are afraid of practically no
sacred when the song only going
Gaga, a gallant Lady…

your disturbing song makes lust
behind the sanctity of the land
who partied as if you
only the one source of disaster

May 15, 2012

Khadaffy’s Final Trip

KhadaffyHe’s trying to survive in his hometown after obtaining the cordon of NTC troops, the conditions are not so good. His legs were severely injured, despite the medical aid was given but he had to stop, immediately.

Hometown of Sirte, a population of approximately 75 thousand people, located in northern Libya. With a height of 28 meters at sea level, Sirte empties into the Gulf of Sidra is the last common base of loyal supporters, the city struggles between groups of the Lybian National Transitional Council (NTC) versus Khadafy loyalists held tough.

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Say Goodbye to Moammar Khadafy!

Tripoli after KhadafyHe did not survive much longer after the rebels with the help of NATO air strikes took the city of Tripoli, the Libyan capital, despite the enormous ego still has a determination to provide resistance and vowed to transform Libya into “volcano, lava, and fire“.

An example of a big ego of a leader who has spent too long in the seat of power, so the chair was already like a sticky in the butt, would not let go, he forgot that his own people are bored with all his behavior is far from a dream about how a country is run.

It is quite surprising to see the struggle of the rebels in the Libyan, they fought hard, even out to several locations in the east of the country until Benghazi, but the determination to change to make them able to come together again to replace a regime that is often massacring its own people, the Lybian rebels landslide victory in Tripoli.

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FIFA World Cup 2014 Brasil draw has been completed and where’s Indonesia?

FIFA Draw BrazilDraw against 175 teams from the six confederations including Indonesia to get 31 tickets to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brasil has done, at the Marina da Gloria, Rio De Janeiro, Saturday, July 30, 2011.

Raffle event took place in the room with festive invitations allocation of 1,000 people. Visible indoor coach of the various participating countries, such as Vicente del Bosque (Spain), Laurent Blanc (France), even Guus Hiddink, Fabio Capello, Mario Menezes including coach there with 38 other countries.

Indonesia are in Group E Asian Zone along with Iran, Qatar, and Bahrain and placement in this group are certainly not easy. Some football coaches and former football player in Indonesia have said that the organization of Indonesian football (PSSI) is not to lull the public with excessive expectations.

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Dog attack Shark fish

dog bites sharkMany times these video clips are repeated on the private television and attracted the attention of many people, dog bites shark! Just imagine we are going to wonder why this can happen.

Both of these animals live in different nature but they have to fight in one habitat, and surprisingly without any fear of the dogs plunge into the sea and attacking and biting a shark that was swimming close to shore.

A small town Broome, Western Australia, around 1,650 kilometers from Perth where the dog belongs to Russle Hood-Penn seemed repel some sharks closer to shore. Suddenly a dog jumping into the sea and swam up to herd the shark then bit one of the unfortunate fish.

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Facebook become a ‘tool of resistance’ in Malaysia

Wow… It’s a pretty interesting news considering recent weeks suffering from the presence of facebook competitor, Google+ which will soon release the next few weeks.

Facebook gets the full attention of the peaceful protesters who called Bersih 2.0 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on last Saturday, June 9, 2011. This is related to a highly repressive behavior by the security forces of Malaysia.

The protesters would not have another channel to their speaking rights to the party in power, the voice of protest and anger spills channeled through the status updates on social networking sites in cyberspace, Facebook.

Who were the rulers to whom the protesters? Who else if not the Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, he was asked to be resign from his position regarding the conduct of elections in Malaysia.

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The World’s Oldest Woman is Finally Dead!

Maria Gomes ValentimLong-lived all too willing, but later became the oldest person alone also seems a situation that is not so bad. Why? Certainly no more playmates or friends who understand what is desired.

Want to talk about music are confused, while the times have changed. Certainly unusual for the oldest person in the world and then listen to rock music or maybe need to travel somewhere, for example! Haha…

Guinness World Records previously noted there is a 114-year-old woman named Besse Cooper from the United States, then the record from Guinness was changed after a Brazilian woman, Maria Gomes Valentim, dated May 1 and then apparently able to bypass Besse Cooper age. Well, apparently the game long life increasingly crowded.

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Jakarta Fair 2011, Another Interesting Place to go!

Jakarta FairPekan Raya Jakarta is held again from June 9 until July 10, 2011 future, the largest annual exhibition in Indonesia. It’s name just “pekan”, it means weeks, but in fact, usually for one full month starting mid-June in order to celebrate the capital city of Jakarta.

Jakarta society generally been aware of this event and for most residents there, this event always brings great memories to them later. As like a night market, this event is used as a family event, children always remember it later. Parents would be busy when their children ask for invites to it, because it would have to provide a special budget for the family.

A friend who often go there every year saying, “There once crowded, it’s interesting. Sometimes stand guard looks arrogant and less friendly to visitors. But, still nice to go there!” she said.

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FC Barcelona’s Extraordinary!

Champions League Final 2011Watching the match Champions League Final 2011 in Wembley Stadium, London, Saturday or Sunday, May 28 2011 early yesterday morning pm very tempting! Referee Viktor Kassai of Hungary led the game between Manchester United versus FC Barcelona‘s really a treat “creme de la creme“, best of the best.

As first seen about 8-10 minutes so the Red Devils dominated the game, but it did not last long, The Cules slowly began to lock the game. Turned over and the midfield is really controlled by Andres Iniesta and Xavi Hernandez. Field almost 60 percent are in MU territory, their rearguard looked nervous and seemed to Rio Ferdinand lost control of his friends in the back area.

The Cules, FC Barcelona is really enjoying their football philosophy was, victory or defeat is not serious in Barcelona’s football philosophy.

Is a legendary player at the same time spiritual guru Barcelona, ​​Johan Cruyff who transmit the spirit of it. The spirit is not fixated on the lose-win. As quoted by the Times, won the trophy of success is a fantastic champion. However, if success is not achieved, it is not something to be lamented.

Champion is one thing, the important thing. However, to come up with your own style to make people imitate and admire you. That’s the greatest gift, ” said Cruyff.

This game early in the first half runs beautifully, Pedro scored in the 27th minute immediately rewarded by Rooney at minute 34. spectators into tense, rumbling sound in the stadium. Thrilling!

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PSSI? Tak Takut Sanksi FIFA?

Logo PSSIKongres Pemilihan Pengurus PSSI periode 2011-2015 akhirnya berjalan deadlock. Pemimpin sidang yang juga Ketua Komite Normalisasi dengan tegas menutup kongres karena menilai jalannya sidang sudah tak kondusif. Begitu bunyi sebuah artikel di situs portal, Jumat, 20 Mei 2011 pukul 20:45 WIB yang juga dihadiri dua perwakilan FIFA, Thierry Regenass dan Frank van Hattum.

Pemandangan tak kalah seru menyaksikannya langsung melalui layar televisi, suasana kongres tersebut sangat riuh dan terlihat kacau, terdengar suara-suara teriakan, “Bodooohh…” berulang-ulang dari salah seorang peserta kongres, rupanya teriakan-teriakan dan kisruh di dalam ruangan kongres bertempat di Hotel Sultan kemarin yang dipimpin oleh Ketua Komite Normalisasi, Agum Gumelar, dianggap sudah tidak kondusif lagi, sehingga ia memutuskan untuk segera menghentikan jalannya kongres! Tambah ramai deh!

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